#contractions /IJ: PREGNANCY, HOW TO RECOGNIZE LABOR Contractions (labor pains) start low in the back & pass forward & down into each {groin}. These are rhythmic, starting at 10min frequency & increasing to a {contraction} every 5mins, at which time the mother should be admitted to the labor ward. Sometimes the water surrounding the baby escapes as a gush, known as the !i! waters breaking. !n! This is usually rapidly followed by labor pains, !i! the 1st stage of labor. !n! Labor is divided into 3 stages: $1 1st stage 2nd stage 3rd stage $1 The 1st stage of labor is the onset of established {labor} & usually doesn't last more than 12hrs. The 2nd stage begins with full {dilation} of the {cervix}, the mother sensing the urge to 'push.' This ends with the delivery of the baby. The 3rd stage is the time from delivery of baby & delivery of {afterbirth}. #contractions !i! What happens when you feel the urge to push? !n! The midwife will instruct you to pant, as you have been taught at relaxation classes. When you feel the urge to push you will be placed either on your left side or in the {lithotomy position}. After about 10-20mins, when baby's head is visible in the {vagina}, you will be told to push down in time with the contractions. As baby's head appears, an {episiotomy} may be performed. The baby's shoulders trunk, abdomen & legs are gently pulled out. $2 Problems can occur during {labor}. Therefore, it is wiser to give birth in hospital where modern equipment is readily available.